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Welcome to SLP Panthers Basketball Club

Basketball in Spring Lake Park

The Spring Lake Park Panthers Basketball Club (SLPPBC) is a non-profit organization that provides youth in the Spring Lake Park School District #16 attendance area the opportunity to learn and enjoy the game of basketball at a competitive level. Our focus is on teaching basketball fundamentals, promoting team play, improving individual skills and having fun in order to promote a life-long enjoyment of the game of basketball.

Panther youth basketball is organized in three tiers: Rec League and Traveling, which are run by SLPPBC and School Basketball, which is run by Spring Lake Park Schools District #16.

Basketball Options:

K-3 Training at MBT

The key to being a great basketball player is to start early!  That is why we have partnered with MBT to offer an exclusive K-3 training program for SLP players.

Winter Skills Academy Session ($30)
When: Jan 4, 11, 18 & 25 
Where:  MBT Facility at National Sports Center (Court 2)
Time:  8 am - 9 am for K & 1st grade and
               9 am - 10 am for 2nd and 3rd grade
Register:   K- 1st grade
                        2nd - 3rd grade

Spring Skills Academy Session ($30)
Dates: April  5, 12, 19  & 26
Where:  MBT Facility at National Sports Center (Court 2)
Time:  8 am - 9 am for K & 1st grade
               9 am - 10 am for 2nd & 3rd grade
Register:   K- 1st grade
                        2nd - 3rd grade

Jan. 17th School Day Off Training at MBT

Kids are off school on Jan 17  and they need to do something while you are at work!  Event discounted $20 (paid by the board) from FundCrazr proceeds. 

When: Friday, Jan 17 from 9 am - 11:30 am
Where: MBT facility at National Sports Center
Who:  All SLP players grades 3rd - 8th (all genders)
Cost:  only $10 (proceeds from FundCrazr lowered price)

    >>Register Here<<

The Registration "Welcome to SLP Panthers Basketball Club" is not currently available.

Click Here for Boys Panther Classic info

Click Here for Boys Panther Classic info!


Upcoming Important Dates

Event Dates
Travel Player Registration CLOSED
Girls Rec Registration CLOSED
Invite Only Training October 16th, 9-11:30am
Boys Rec Registration NOW OPEN
Fall K-3 Skills Academy Nov 2, 9, 16 & 23
Winter K-3 Skills Academy Jan 4, 11, 18 & 25
Jan Day-off MBT Training Jan. 17, 9-11:30 am
Spring K-3 Skills Academy April 5, 12, 19 & 26

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